Mukula( samaana) mudra - the gesture of beak hand

Mukula mudra is known as Samana mudra or the beak hand mudra. practicing this mudra before each meal will refresh and cleanse your mind and body by eliminating and flushing the toxins out of the body.

practicing this simple and easy mudra regularly will reap many physical and mental benefits.

 Mudra is a unique and one of the best techniques that can be used to attain any health benefit by continuous and regular practice.

Mudras are hand gestures that balance the five elements called the panchabooth (fire, earth, water, air, and space) in our body. Mudras help in balancing the three doshas in the body called the vatha, pittha, and the Kapha doshas.

How to perform this mudra:

samana mudra

mukula mudra

step 1: sit comfortably in a place with your back straight.
step 2: touch the tips of the fingers to the tip of the thumb, hold it gently without applying lots of pressure.
step3: now practice deep breathing and experience the flow of energy on the tip of this mudra.
step4: you can also heal any part of your body by placing this mudra over the desired place, say chest, head, or any others.

Benefits of the mudra:

  • practicing regularly before meal intake eliminates the toxins from the body and mind.
  • Regular practice will enhance the skin and bring a glow to your face.
  • Removes negative thoughts and behavior and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • boosts immunity and improves mental strength.

when and how long should the mudras be performed:

These mudras can be performed at any point of time in a day. one has to start by holding this mudra for 5 minutes and can be stretched up to 45 minutes a day.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and juices for effective results.

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