Makara Mudra to stay young and be active in life

Do you want to feel young and stay active in life ? 
Do you want to reactivate the energy reserves in the body?

Makara mudra can be practiced to restore the energy. it increases the force and energy in the body with a short period of time and restores it. this mudra is also called the crocodile hand gesture.   

practice makara mudra to stay young and be active in life.

Mudra is a unique and one of the best techniques that can be used to attain any health benefit by continuous and regular practice.

Mudras are hand gestures that balance the five elements called the panchabooth (fire, earth, water, air, and space) in our body. Mudras help in balancing the three doshas in the body called the vatha, pittha, and the Kapha doshas.

How to perform this mudra:

step 1: sit comfortably with your back straight and focus on your breathing.

step 2:place one palm on the other, now bring the thumb finger of the hand that is below through the gap between the little and ring fingers.

step 3: In the upper hand, touch the tip of ring and thumb fingers. keep the other fingers straight.

step 4: the fingers in the lower hand can hold back the upper hand gently.

step 5: hold the mudra in the abdomen area.

makara mudra to open energy resevoir
Makara mudra 

Benefits of the mudra:

  • improves concentration power.
  • keeps one young and active in life.
  • one can overcome depression and frustration in life.
  • practicing this mudra helps in overcoming depression and frustration in life.
  • stimulates kidney function.
  • solves the bladder and nerves complaint.

when and how long should the mudras be performed:

These mudras can be performed at any point of time in a day. one has to start by holding this mudra for 5 minutes and can be stretched up to 45 minutes a day.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and juices for effective results.

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