Uttrabodhi mudra - for enlightenment 

Do you want to achieve perfection and enlightenment in life?

Uttarabodhi mudra is also called the mudra of enlightenment and is also called the gesture of perfection.

Mudra is a unique and one of the best techniques that can be used to attain any health benefit by continuous and regular practice.
Mudras are hand gestures that balance the five elements called the panchabooth (fire, earth, water, air, and space) in our body. Mudras help in balancing the three doshas in the body called the vatha, pittha, and the Kapha doshas.

How to perform this mudra:

Mudra for Enlightenment
Uttarabodhi Mudra

step 1: sit comfortably with your back straight. hold this mudra in front of the navel.

step 2: interlock your fingers and extend your index fingers and touch each other.

step 3: touch the thumbs and extend it downwards.

step 4: make sure that the palm does not touch each other.

Benefits of the mudra:

  • it gives the sense of enlightenment.
  • practicing this mudra purifies the mind and body.
  • removes fear in life and negative thoughts.
  • induces and pleasure and happiness.

when and how long should the mudras be performed:

These mudras can be performed at any point of time in a day. one has to start by holding this mudra for 5 minutes and can be stretched up to 45 minutes a day.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and juices for effective results.

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