Vajra mudra - To improve blood circulation in the body 

Do you want to quit smoking? 

Are you feeling dizzy and tired due to low blood pressure?

Are you consuming excessive amounts of tea and coffee?

Vajra mudra is a powerful hand mudra that is very much helpful in stimulation of blood circulation. it helps in controlling low blood pressure and maintaining normal blood pressure.

if you are trying to quit smoking cigarettes then this is  the one of the best mudras. 

practicing this mudra regularly helps quit smoking cigarettes. one can even control the amount of tea and coffee that  excessive consumption of tea and coffee. vajra mudra calms downs the mind and relieves and relaxes from disturbing thoughts.

Mudra is a unique and one of the best techniques that can be used to attain any health benefit by continuous and regular practice.

Mudras are hand gestures that balance the five elements called the panchabooth (fire, earth, water, air, and space) in our body. Mudras help in balancing the three doshas in the body called the vatha, pitta, and the Kapha doshas.

How to perform this mudra:

step 1: Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.
step 2: bend your thumb and touch the tip to the side of the middle finger.
step 3: bend the ring finger, let the fingernail touch the other side of the middle finger
step 4: bend the little finger, let the fingernail touch the other side of the ring finger
step 5: keep the index finger straight. and concentrate on your

mudra to improve your blood circulation
vajra mudra - improve blood circulation 


Benefits of the mudra:

  • Stimulates the blood circulation in the body.
  • Reduces restlessness and dizziness that is caused due to low blood pressure.
  • Can help in stopping cigarettes and tobacco habits.

when and how long should the mudras be performed:

caution : people with high blood pressure should avoid practicing this mudra.

These mudras can be performed at any point of time in a day. one has to start by holding this mudra for 5 minutes and can be stretched up to 45 minutes a day.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and juices for effective results.

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